
Professor, Student Work Published in Scientific Journal
A review of strategies animals might use to survive climate change featured in Animal Behaviour MARCH 14, 2019 Dr. Richard Buchholz, associate professor of biology and associate director of the Center for Biodiversity & Conservation Research, and graduate students in his Topics in Ecology and Evolution course, completed a literature review that appears in the […]

Opinion: Why Congress Should Ban the Sale of Shark Fins
MARCH 14, 2018 BY GLENN R. PARSONS To many people, a shark fin silently gliding towards them in the water is cause for alarm, even terror. But as someone who has studied these magnificent creatures for the past 40 years, it’s a cause for excitement. I have been slapped, slashed, and bitten by sharks. I’ve […]

Professor Parsons Explores New Horizons at TedXUM
Glenn Parsons, professor of biology and director of the Center for Biodiversity and Conservation Research, spoke about shark biology and conservation at the University of Mississippi TEDx 2019 on March 6. After reminding the audience that the chance of them being injured in an accident in their own bathrooms is many thousands of times greater than the […]

VIDEO: Biology Professor on Science Friday
The popular national show Science Friday highlighted the research of Richard Buchholz, associate professor of biology at the University of Mississippi, for clues as to what a female turkey finds “hot” in a male on its radio show on November 21, 2014. Here, Professor Buccholz shares additional information about his Mate Choice Research: Darwin was the first to suggest […]

Scientist Invents Device to Improve Fishery Operations
Design being tested by Gulf shrimpers reduces bycatch of untargeted marine life OCTOBER 18, 2018 BY EDWIN B. SMITH A University of Mississippi marine biologist has created a new device that could greatly improve shrimping operations and is putting the device to the test through partnerships with members of the Gulf of Mexico fishing industry. […]

Dr. Glenn Parsons Testifies Before Congress
As director of the new Center for Biodiversity and Conservation Research, Glenn Parsons, professor of biology, testified before Congress regarding an important biodiversity issue—stopping the needless slaughter of sharks worldwide—at a legislative hearing on Marine Conservation and Shark Fishery Regulations on April 17, 2018. Recipient of a $1.7 million grant funded by the Mississippi Department […]